Attention Southern Oregon! This will be the first year that I will be participating in the Klamath Comic Con! This year marks the 5th year that downtown Klamath County Library hosts the comic convention in the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon. The con will be a single day event, on Saturday October 27th from 10AM to 4:30 PM (PST).
As with any comic con, expect there to be lots of cosplay, artists, and fandom galore! Here's a list of events from the Klamath Comic Con:
- The first 200 fans through the door will take home a swag bag with free comics and more!
- Comics Scholar Patrick Rosenkranz is giving a presentation about the history of comics, with a special feature on Klamath County's own Carl Barks, the creator of Disney's Scrooge McDuck!
- Lots of board and miniatures games hosted by the Council of Intrepid Adventurers. They'll be bringing Giant Killer Robots, Gaslands, Star Wars: X-Wing, Dread RPG, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Teams, and giving beginning adventurers an introduction to Dungeons and Dragons!
- Retro video gaming all day! Play titles from the very earliest days of video gaming (or just your favorite ones from childhood).
- Test your geeky wits at our Trivia Wheel! Answer a random question from fandoms past and present and win a cool prize!
- Nerdy crafts for all ages!
- Cosplayers showing off at the Klamath Comic Con Costume Contest!
- Lures at the library's Pokemon Go stop all day! (Gotta catch 'em all!)
Everyone is invited! The more the merrier!
I will have an artist booth with books, prints, and stickers available for purchase. I will be drawing on the spot, taking requests for quick sketches, and offering step by step instruction on my drawing process and style. Perhaps I'll be dressed in cosplay as well, who knows?
It's going to be a fun event with plenty to see and do, for both the guests and the vendors (such as myself). Bring a friend and stop on by. I would love to see you and maybe sign some artwork for you!